Crate dicom_object

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This crate contains a high-level abstraction for reading and manipulating DICOM objects. At this level, objects are comparable to a dictionary of elements, in which some of them can have DICOM objects themselves. The end user should prefer using this abstraction when dealing with DICOM objects.

Loading a DICOM file can be done with easily via the function open_file. For additional file reading options, use OpenFileOptions.


Read an object and fetch some attributes by their standard alias:

use dicom_object::open_file;
let obj = open_file("0001.dcm")?;
let patient_name = obj.element_by_name("PatientName")?.to_str()?;
let modality = obj.element_by_name("Modality")?.to_str()?;

The current default implementation places the full DICOM object in memory. The pixel data and following elements can be ignored by using OpenFileOptions:

use dicom_object::OpenFileOptions;

let obj = OpenFileOptions::new()

Elements can also be fetched by tag. Methods are available for converting the element’s DICOM value into something more usable in Rust.

let patient_date = obj.element(Tag(0x0010, 0x0030))?.to_date()?;
let pixel_data_bytes = obj.element(Tag(0x7FE0, 0x0010))?.to_bytes()?;

Finally, DICOM objects can be serialized back into DICOM encoded bytes. A method is provided for writing a file DICOM object into a new DICOM file.


This method requires you to write a file meta table first. When creating a new DICOM object from scratch, use a FileMetaTableBuilder to construct the file meta group, then use with_meta or with_exact_meta:

let file_obj = obj.with_meta(
        // Implicit VR Little Endian
        // Computed Radiography image storage

In order to write a plain DICOM data set, use one of the various write_dataset methods.

// build your object
let mut obj = InMemDicomObject::new_empty();
let patient_name = DataElement::new(
    Tag(0x0010, 0x0010),
    dicom_value!(Str, "Doe^John"),

// write the object's data set
let mut serialized = Vec::new();
let ts = dicom_transfer_syntax_registry::entries::EXPLICIT_VR_LITTLE_ENDIAN.erased();
obj.write_dataset_with_ts(&mut serialized, &ts)?;


pub use crate::file::from_reader;
pub use crate::file::open_file;
pub use crate::file::OpenFileOptions;
pub use crate::mem::InMemDicomObject;
pub use crate::meta::FileMetaTable;
pub use crate::meta::FileMetaTableBuilder;


This module contains the implementation for an in-memory DICOM object.
Module containing data structures and readers of DICOM file meta information tables.
Module for the pixel data trait and implementations.
Convertion of DICOM objects into tokens.


A root DICOM object retrieved from a standard DICOM file, containing additional information from the file meta group in a separate table value.
A data dictionary which consults the library’s global DICOM attribute registry.
The data type for DICOM data element tags.



The current implementation class UID generically referring to DICOM-rs.
The current implementation version name generically referring to DICOM-rs.


Trait type for a DICOM object. This is a high-level abstraction where an object is accessed and manipulated as dictionary of entries indexed by tags, which in turn may contain a DICOM object.

Type Definitions

The default implementation of a root DICOM object.
A root DICOM object contains additional meta information about the object in a separate table.